
2023年1月17日—Currently,myeye-dropper/colorpickerisnotworkingandhasn'tbeenforaboutamonth.IhavealsotriedrebootingtheMac,signinginand ...,2018年2月4日—Myeyedroppertoolwasabletosampleacolor,butitwasnottherightcolor...Turnsouttobethatforsomereasonitwassampling101by101 ...,2017年1月18日—Holdingdownleft-clickandmovingcursortoprimaryscreenworksproperly.Thisissimilartotheissueinthisquestion:https://an...

Eye dropper color picker not working 2023

2023年1月17日 — Currently, my eye-dropper/color picker is not working and hasn't been for about a month. I have also tried rebooting the Mac, signing in and ...

eyedropper not picking up color

2018年2月4日 — My eyedropper tool was able to sample a color, but it was not the right color... Turns out to be that for some reason it was sampling 101 by 101 ...

Eyedropper not working correctly in PowerPoint 2013

2017年1月18日 — Holding down left-click and moving cursor to primary screen works properly. This is similar to the issue in this question: https://answers.

Eyedropper not working since update 3.1.0

2023年1月2日 — I have one other color picker I have been using for a while, called Instant Eyedropper, when you run it, it sits in the task bar and you left ...

Eyedropper shortcut not working as expected in particular ...

2022年4月4日 — Press and hold 'Alt' (eyedropper quick tool) and hit just one time the left click on sprite B to pick up the color. You'll see current color ...

Eyedropper tool not working

2023年10月21日 — Sounds pretty unusual. I've not seen a problem like this posted here before. First I'd make sure that the Alt key is actually working properly.

How to make Instant Eyedropper work with the latest ...

2017年2月21日 — Double-click on “clickmode” and change the value data to 2 then click OK. Log out and then log back in. Now Click mode is enabled and not the ...

Instant Eyedropper: Identify HTML

Instant Eyedropper is a free color detection tool for webmasters that will identify and automatically paste to the clipboard the HTML color code of any pixel on ...

[Bug] Eyedropper not working (sporadic)

I was able to trigger this about 5 times within a few minutes. It seems the canvas position doesn't get updated fast enough for the eyedropper. ArtByMe.